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Mel Hutchinson

Full Name

Mel Hutchinson


Client Services Coordinator


Administration and Financial Planning

Contact #

(02) 4920 7886


Professional Journey

Education: Bachelor of Communications
Experience: 10 years in customer service at Woolworths before joining 123 in 2023.
Aspirations: Aim to transition into a para-planner role in the future.

Areas of Expertise

Office operations
Customer service
Financial planning administration


Strive for excellence in all you do, treat others with respect and empathy, and continuously seek growth and improvement.

Outside the Office

Walks along the lake
Coffee breaks with friends
Adventures with my partner
Monopoly – playing and collecting
Mel joined our team in early 2023, and her incredible efficiency, friendly demeanour, and eagerness to assist quickly won the hearts of everyone. These exceptional qualities make Mel the perfect match for the role of Client Services Coordinator, where she plays a vital part in delivering an outstanding customer experience for our valued clients
- Jen Richardson