
Priced from: $300 + GST

You have just started out in business or want to stay small but need a little bit of a helping hand, because you don’t want to get things wrong and cop a hefty fine from the ATO.

You are a sole trader, and you are happy to do most of the book work yourself but want someone to complete your tax return and cast an eye over your lodgements with the ATO.

You don’t have any employees, so your focus is on doing what you do best, but with a guiding hand from someone who will keep you level. It’s really important to you that your paperwork and financial management is accurate and complete.

This package will make sure that you do not have any nasty surprises from the ATO and can sleep easy at night.

At this stage you are not ready to take action to grow your business… but if you do, then this package will ensure you’re ready to make the shift into the next gear!

Package includes:

Please note: For all packages, reconciling accounts and bookkeeping is an added extra.

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